How to Zodiac Signs As Dogs

Find out which furry friend is most compatible with your unique personality

Looking for a furry friend that’s compatible with you based on your zodiac sign? You’ve come to the right article. In this list, we’ll rank which dog breeds best represent each zodiac sign, so you can know which type of pup is most compatible with you and your personality.


[Edit]Aries: Labrador Retriever

  1. {endbold}Bold, energetic, and daring, Aries is always on the move and ready to go.[1] With their playful and lively personalities, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a lively Lab that isn’t full of intense energy, power, and stamina.[2] Like Aries a Lab finds its purpose through action, and both love to think about the new opportunities that each day can bring.
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[Edit]Taurus: Beagle

  1. {endbold}Stubborn, determined, and sensual, Taurus is known for embracing the physical pleasures of life that are linked to their five senses.[3] Beagles are well known for their amazing sense of smell, as well as their drive to follow a scent wherever it goes.[4] The independent and headstrong Beagle can also relate with the similarly stubborn Taurus, as both are hard to nudge when they have their mind (or nose) set on something.
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[Edit]Gemini: Dachshund

  1. {endbold}Flexible, adaptable, and social, Gemini always needs to keep their intelligent mind busy with something.[5] Dachshunds can relate—despite their small stature, these wiener dogs require a lot of mental stimulation to live happy lives.[6] A Gemini and a Dachshund also know a thing or two about fitting in with the people around them and making a good first impression.
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[Edit]Cancer: Rottweiler

  1. {endbold}Protective, nurturing, and caring, Cancer is a sensitive soul that loves to spend time at home.[7] Rottweilers have similar temperaments—they’re incredibly loyal and caring pets who want to do nothing more than keep their pack out of harm’s way.[8] While Cancer and Rottweiler may not be the most bubbly and social ones of the bunch, they’re loyal and devoted to those they love.
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[Edit]Leo: French Bulldog

  1. {endbold}Regal, determined, and loyal, Leo is a bright ray of sunlight that isn’t afraid to take the lead.[9] This fits perfectly with the immensely popular French Bulldog. Frenchies have no trouble developing a loyal bond with their owners and aren’t afraid to take center stage and claim someone’s lap as their napping spot.[10] When push comes to shove, a Leo and French Bulldog alike never fail to grab your attention.
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[Edit]Virgo: Australian Shepherd

  1. {endbold}Responsible, practical, and curious, Virgo is always plugged into the world around them.[11] Australian Shepherds are kindred spirits in that sense, as they have a distinct tendency to solve problems on their own.[12] This Aussie hound is also great at focusing and learning new things—traits that make it a perfect fit for the intelligent and thoughtful Virgo.
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    • Element: Earth
    • Ruling planet: Mercury
    • Most compatible owner signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn,
    • Least compatible owner signs: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius

[Edit]Libra: Bulldog

  1. {endbold}Harmonious, social, and peaceful, Libras are known as mediating souls who don’t like to rock the boat.[13] The English Bulldog (also known just as the “Bulldog”) can relate. As far as dog breeds go, they aren’t very temperamental; in fact, they can put up with just about anything (as long as it doesn’t involve their food bowl).[14] But hey—Libras are known to love the finer things in life, too, like a delicious meal.
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    • Element: Air
    • Ruling planet: Venus
    • Most compatible owner signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
    • Least compatible owner signs: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces

[Edit]Scorpio: Shiba Inu

  1. {endbold}Determined, persevering, and a little mysterious, Scorpio is famous for their sense of passion and commitment.[15] Shiba Inus carry a similar reputation—they’re known to be free-spirited and determined pups that are famously independent and unpredictable.[16] Don’t be discouraged, though. At heart, Scorpios and Shiba Inus are both loving and devoted pals!
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    • Element: Water
    • Ruling planet: Pluto
    • Most compatible owner signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
    • Least compatible owner signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius

[Edit]Sagittarius: Poodle

  1. {endbold}Adventurous, friendly, and laid-back, Sagittarius has earned its reputation as the explorer of the zodiac.[17] Poodles have a lot in common with this free-spirited star sign, as they also approach life from a cheerful and fun-loving perspective. They also love to be on the go (just like Sagittarius) and appreciate the opportunity to go for a good romp around the block.[18]
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    • Element: Fire
    • Ruling planet: Jupiter
    • Most compatible owner signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
    • Least compatible owner signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces

[Edit]Capricorn: German Shepherd

  1. {endbold}Hard-working, practical, and grounded, Capricorns are known for their strong work ethic and loyal circle of friends.[19] Enter the German Shepherd dog: they’re great at learning new things and will go above and beyond to achieve their goals—just like a Capricorn! They’re also intensely dedicated to their family and will go the extra mile to keep them safe and cared for.[20]
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    • Element: Earth
    • Ruling planet: Saturn
    • Most compatible owner signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
    • Least compatible owner signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra

[Edit]Aquarius: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  1. {endbold}Inventive, intelligent, and independent, Aquarius is known for being their person and breaking free of the status quo.[21] The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the same way. Despite looking like a lap dog, the Corgi is an energetic and smart pal who’s always on the move.[22] Both Aquarius and the Corgi are great at rebelling against other people’s expectations and being their unique selves.
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    • Element: Air
    • Ruling planet: Uranus
    • Most compatible owner signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
    • Least compatible owner signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio

[Edit]Pisces: Golden Retriever

  1. {endbold}Caring, empathetic, and expressive, Pisces are sensitive spirits who have no trouble relating with others.[23] Golden Retrievers match this energy perfectly and have more than earned their spot as a popular family pet.[24] These sweet, gentle, and loving pups are devoted pals who love to support those they care about—just like Pisces!
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    • Element: Water
    • Ruling planet: Neptune
    • Most compatible owner signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
    • Least compatible owner signs: Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius


  • Keep in mind that astrology is incredibly subjective. Like people, individual dogs can have unique personalities that don’t completely line up with their star sign.



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