How to Truth or Dare Questions for Teens

Truth or dare is a classic party game, but you can play it anywhere—even over text. Watching your friends do funny dares or answer silly questions will keep you laughing for the entire game. Plus, you’ll grow closer together as you reveal your secrets to each other. We’ve compiled a list of the 250 best truth or dare questions for friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, couples, and even crushes. Gather your crew, grab some snacks, and get ready to play the ultimate game of truth or dare.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Dive into deep truths, like who’s crushing on whom, who’s broken the rules, and who’s done something naughty.
  • Choose dares that are silly or slightly embarrassing. Avoid anything dangerous or that could get someone in trouble.
  • Set some ground rules before you play so everyone has fun. It’s okay to make some topics, like sex, off-limits.


[Edit]Truth or Dare?

  1. Truth: Who’s your crush?
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  2. Dare: Message your crush.
  3. Truth: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
  4. Dare: Prank call a friend.
  5. Truth: What’s your most embarrassing moment?
  6. Dare: Let someone draw a Sharpie tattoo on your arm.
  7. Truth: What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
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  8. Dare: Take an embarrassing selfie.
  9. Truth: Who would you take to a deserted island?
  10. Dare: Do a TikTok dance.
  11. Truth: What’s your biggest fear?
  12. Dare: Sniff someone’s shoes.
  13. Truth: Have you ever cheated on a school assignment?
  14. Dare: Go outside and sing.
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  15. Truth: Have you ever had a crush on someone in the room?
  16. Dare: Act out a scene in your favorite movie.
  17. Truth: What’s a lie you’ve told?
  18. Dare: Make up a poem about your crush.
  19. Truth: What’s something no one knows about you?
  20. Dare: Let the group do your hair and makeup.
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  21. Truth: What do you look for in a partner?
  22. Dare: Show everyone the last photo you took.
  23. Truth: What did you think of me when we first met?
  24. Dare: Pretend to be a dog or cat for 5 minutes.
  25. Truth: Have you ever cheated on someone?
  26. Dare: Read us the last text you sent.
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  27. Truth: When did you have your first kiss?[1]
  28. Dare: Tell a story in a cowboy accent.
  29. Truth: Have you ever peed in the swimming pool?
  30. Dare: Kiss the player who has the most kissable lips.
  31. Truth: What’s your favorite kind of underwear?
  32. Dare: Post an embarrassing selfie for 1 hour.
  33. Truth: What’s the most embarrassing thing in your bedroom?
  34. Dare: Eat something without using your hands.
  35. Truth: Who would you ask to prom or a dance?
  36. Dare: Dance outside for 1 minute.
  37. Truth: Have you ever kissed someone at a school event?
  38. Dare: Wrap yourself like a mummy in toilet paper and post a photo of it.
  39. Truth: What would you do if the world was ending?
  40. Dare: Ask to borrow toilet paper from a neighbor.
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  41. Truth: What animal would you want to be?
  42. Dare: Lick hot sauce off of a spoon.
  43. Truth: Would you ever use someone’s toothbrush?
  44. Dare: Pick someone in the room and slow dance with them.
  45. Truth: What would you do if you were the opposite gender for a day?
  46. Dare: Wear socks on your hands for 10 minutes.
  47. Truth: What’s the last thing you Googled on your phone?
  48. Dare: Spin a soda bottle and kiss the person it points at.
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  49. Truth: What was your childhood nickname and why?
  50. Dare: Switch clothes with someone.
  51. Truth: Where’s the weirdest place you’ve used the restroom?
  52. Dare: Propose to a pet or stuffed animal.
  53. Truth: Have you ever broken the law?
  54. Dare: Do 10 pushups.
  55. Truth: Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of something?
  56. Dare: Speak in an accent for 3 turns.
  57. Truth: What fictional character would you want to be?
  58. Dare: Crack an egg on your head.
  59. Truth: What’s your biggest flaw?[2]
  60. Dare: Let someone put ice down your shirt.
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  61. Truth: What is your biggest regret?
  62. Dare: Pretend to be a celebrity until someone guesses who you are.
  63. Truth: Who do you think has the nicest butt?
  64. Dare: Pick something from the trash and hold it for 10 seconds.
  65. Truth: What was your most awkward date?
  66. Dare: Feed someone a marshmallow using just your mouth.
  67. Truth: What is the most scandalous thing you’ve ever done?
  68. Dare: Give the person on your left a shoulder massage.
  69. Truth: When was the last time you cried?
  70. Dare: Bite into a lemon.
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  71. Truth: What’s your biggest accomplishment?
  72. Dare: Drop something in the toilet, then get it out with your hand.
  73. Truth: What tattoo would you get?
  74. Dare: Spray yourself with a water hose.
  75. Truth: What’s a rumor someone spread about you?
  76. Dare: Let everyone dig in your bag or wallet for 1 minute.
  77. Truth: Have you ever spread a rumor about someone here?
  78. Dare: Let someone send a message on your phone.
  79. Truth: Do you believe in ghosts?[3]
  80. Dare: Brush your teeth with ketchup or mustard.
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  81. Truth: What’s your fantasy?
  82. Dare: Play 7 minutes in heaven with someone of your choosing.
  83. Truth: Where would you go on a dream vacation?
  84. Dare: Smell another player’s armpit.
  85. Truth: What’s your dream job?
  86. Dare: Heart-react to your crush’s last social media post.
  87. Truth: What color is your underwear?
  88. Dare: Go outside and yell “I’m a big baddie!”
  89. Truth: What’s your favorite song?
  90. Dare: Do a sexy runway walk.
  91. Truth: When was the last time you wet the bed?
  92. Dare: Post a video of you barking or meowing.
  93. Truth: Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
  94. Dare: Play air guitar for 30 seconds.
  95. Truth: What children’s movie do you still watch?
  96. Dare: Act like a chicken in the front yard.
  97. Truth: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
  98. Dare: Sing everything you want to say for the rest of the game.
  99. Truth: Who here knows you the best?
  100. Dare: Howl at the moon.
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  101. Truth: Who’s the last person you looked up on Instagram?
  102. Dare: Get in the shower with your clothes on.
  103. Truth: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?
  104. Dare: Flirt with your crush.
  105. Truth: What’s your secret talent?[4]
  106. Dare: Give the person on your left a foot massage.
  107. Truth: What’s your biggest relationship deal breaker?
  108. Dare: Give everyone in the game a compliment.
  109. Truth: What do you think about polyamory?
  110. Dare: Drink a shot of pickle juice.
  111. Truth: What reality show would you want to go on?
  112. Dare: Make out with a pillow.
  113. Truth: What’s your toxic trait?
  114. Dare: Eat a hot dog seductively.
  115. Truth: Have you ever peed in the shower?
  116. Dare: Spin around 10 times, then walk across the room.
  117. Truth: What’s the meanest thing you’ve told someone?
  118. Dare: Rub your armpit, then smell your fingers.
  119. Truth: Who makes you the most jealous?
  120. Dare: Post a photo of your foot and describe what it smells like.
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  121. Truth: What’s the biggest misconception about you?
  122. Dare: Play the most played song on your phone.
  123. Truth: How many people have you dated?
  124. Dare: Tweet your favorite celebrity a goofy photo.
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  125. Truth: Have you ever been fired?
  126. Dare: Speak in rhymes for the next 3 rounds.
  127. Truth: Have you ever regifted a present?
  128. Dare: Try to catch a water balloon.
  129. Truth: What color are your underwear?
  130. Dare: Build a blanket fort.
  131. Truth: What’s your biggest turn-on?
  132. Dare: Put a pair of underwear over your pants.
  133. Truth: What’s the last thing you bragged about?
  134. Dare: Eat a spoonful of mustard.
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  135. Truth: What’s the grossest thing you’ve done at a party?
  136. Dare: Give someone a lap dance.
  137. Truth: Where are you ticklish?
  138. Dare: Remove 5 items of clothing.
  139. Truth: Who do you text the most?
  140. Dare: Turn your shirt inside out.
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  141. Truth: What superstition do you believe in?
  142. Dare: Give a villain speech.
  143. Truth: What’s the most embarrassing movie you like?
  144. Dare: Call a pizza place and ask if they have hamburgers.
  145. Truth: Have you ever been nude in public?
  146. Dare: Do the crab walk across the room.
  147. Truth: Do you wear pajamas to bed?
  148. Dare: Let someone splash a glass of water in your face.
  149. Truth: What weird smell do you like?
  150. Dare: Peel a banana with your feet.
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  151. Truth: What was your first concert?
  152. Dare: Smell everyone’s feet.
  153. Truth: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?
  154. Dare: Touch someone’s armpit.
  155. Truth: What are 3 body parts you want your crush to kiss?
  156. Dare: Chug the rest of your drink.
  157. Truth: Who was your hottest teacher?
  158. Dare: Teach the group how to twerk.
  159. Truth: Have you ever sexted someone you shouldn’t have?
  160. Dare: Do 25 jumping jacks.
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  161. Truth: Do you believe in extraterrestrials?
  162. Dare: Tell a scary story.
  163. Truth: What would you do if you were invisible?
  164. Dare: Roast the person to your right.
  165. Truth: What’s more important: love or money?
  166. Dare: Let someone send a text from your phone.
  167. Truth: Who here has the nicest butt?
  168. Dare: Lick your elbow.
  169. Truth: Who do you regret kissing?
  170. Dare: Impersonate someone here until we guess who it is.
  171. Truth: Who’s your favorite sibling?
  172. Dare: Roast the person to your left.
  173. Truth: What childish thing do you still do?
  174. Dare: Hop on one foot for 30 seconds.
  175. Truth: What do you want to do for your birthday?
  176. Dare: Apply a whipped cream mask to your face.
  177. Truth: What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?
  178. Dare: Slow dance with a stuffed animal.
  179. Truth: What’s your most embarrassing vomit story?
  180. Dare: Mix 5 beverages together and drink it.
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  181. Truth: Have you let someone take the blame for something you did?
  182. Dare: Ring the neighbor’s doorbell and run.
  183. Truth: What's the worst thing you've done at school?
  184. Dare: Call a random contact and start singing.
  185. Truth: What’s the dumbest thing you did for a crush?
  186. Dare: Do the chicken dance for 1 minute.
  187. Truth: Have you ever pooped in your pants?
  188. Dare: Fake cry (and let people record it).
  189. Truth: Would you commit a crime?
  190. Dare: Dance like a ballerina for 1 minute.
  191. Truth: What is your most embarrassing purchase?
  192. Dare: Quack like a duck instead of talking for 1 round.
  193. Truth: Have you farted in an elevator?
  194. Dare: Try to do a magic trick.
  195. Truth: Who annoys you the most?
  196. Dare: Pretend you’re a baby being born.
  197. Truth: Have you ever stolen anything?
  198. Dare: Wear your shoes on your hands for 1 round.
  199. Truth: Would you break up with your partner for a million dollars?
  200. Dare: Do 25 squats.
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  201. Truth: Have you ever walked into a glass door or wall?
  202. Dare: Draw a picture and post it online.
  203. Truth: Do you still have a crush on an ex?
  204. Dare: Talk like a robot for 1 round.
  205. Truth: Have you ever ghosted anyone?
  206. Dare: Act out a song.
  207. Truth: What job could you never do?
  208. Dare: Laugh like a maniac.
  209. Truth: What’s your favorite movie genre?
  210. Dare: Talk with an accent for 1 round.
  211. Truth: What photo editing apps do you have on your phone?
  212. Dare: Do a yoga pose for 1 full minute.
  213. Truth: Do you sing or dance in the shower?
  214. Dare: Pole dance with an imaginary pole for 1 minute.
  215. Truth: What’s the worst way you’ve dumped someone?
  216. Dare: Draw a picture with your feet.
  217. Truth: Do you own granny panties/tighty whities?
  218. Dare: Reply to 5 Snaps or Instagram Stories.
  219. Truth: When’s the last time you made someone cry?
  220. Dare: Pretend to be a worm for 1 minute.
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  221. Truth: Would you date someone shorter than you?
  222. Dare: Do the wobble by yourself.
  223. Truth: Have you ever dated multiple people at one time?
  224. Dare: Update your relationship status to “engaged.”
  225. Truth: Have you ever lied for a friend?
  226. Dare: Do a free-style rap.
  227. Truth: How many people have you kissed?
  228. Dare: Spank yourself for 10 seconds.
  229. Truth: What’s something a friend did that made you mad?
  230. Dare: Film a joke makeup tutorial.
  231. Truth: Do you snore?
  232. Dare: Try to do the worm.
  233. Truth: What scares you most about getting old?
  234. Dare: Post a photo where it looks like you’re on the toilet.
  235. Truth: What’s your most prized possession?
  236. Dare: Freeze a wet t-shirt, then put it on for 30 seconds.
  237. Truth: Would you sell your pet for a million dollars?
  238. Dare: Text a random contact “Happy Birthday.”
  239. Truth: What decade had the best aesthetic?
  240. Dare: Draw a mustache on your face with a marker.
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  241. Truth: Have you ever ditched someone?
  242. Dare: Lick a bar of soap.
  243. Truth: Are you afraid of the dark?
  244. Dare: Remove your socks with your teeth.
  245. Truth: Who’s your favorite person?
  246. Dare: Put on a blindfold and let someone feed you something.
  247. Truth: What word makes you cringe?
  248. Dare: Stick your bare foot in the toilet.
  249. Truth: Who’s your style icon?
  250. Dare: Rub your body on the wall for 1 minute.
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  • If you and your partner want to play truth or dare but don't want to reveal too much personal information, first establish boundaries. Before starting the game, discuss what topics are off-limits or uncomfortable for each of you. For example, past relationships or personal traumas might be off-limits.[5]
  • Keep it light. Focus on fun and playful dares rather than embarrassing or risky ones. You can dare your partner to do something silly or make a funny face instead of asking them to reveal their deepest secrets.[6]
  • Remember that the goal is to have fun and strengthen your bond with your partner.[7]


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