How to Am I a Good Kisser Quiz

Have you ever wondered if you’re a good kisser? It’s not always easy to judge for yourself, but don’t worry! By answering some simple questions, this quiz will tell you whether you’re a kissing star or a lip-locking newbie (no shame in that!). Hit “Start Quiz” to find out how you measure up.

A close up of a woman and a man, both wearing glasses, kissing on a sofa.

[Edit]Questions Overview

Am I a Good Kisser?
Take this quiz to find out!

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1. How many people have you kissed?
  1. More people than is easy to count—I’ve had plenty of practice!
  2. A few people.
  3. One.
  4. None.
2. How would you describe your kissing “rhythm?”
  1. A mix of speeds and intensities.
  2. Slow and smooth.
  3. Slow and cautious.
  4. Fast and choppy.
3. Are you a confident kisser?
  1. Definitely, I always feel confident when I’m kissing someone.
  2. Yes, for the most part.
  3. Not really, sometimes I feel a little nervous.
  4. No, I always feel really nervous to kiss someone.
4. Have you ever kissed a really good kisser before?
  1. Definitely! I’ve kissed lots of great kissers.
  2. Yes, I’ve kissed one or two good kissers before.
  3. No, the people I’ve kissed haven’t been that great at it.
  4. No, I don’t have much kissing experience in general.
5. Has anyone ever told you that you’re a good kisser?
  1. Yes, multiple people have told me that.
  2. Yes, one person has.
  3. No, that hasn’t come up before.
  4. No, but I haven’t kissed that many people!
6. What’s your favorite type of kissing?
  1. Any type of kissing. I go with the flow depending on the mood.
  2. French kissing.
  3. Making out.
  4. Just a few quick pecks.
7. What are your thoughts on kissing with tongue?
  1. I love it if the mood is right!
  2. I sometimes enjoy it!
  3. I think I prefer kissing without it.
  4. I’m not sure because I haven’t tried it yet.
8. Have you tried multiple different types of kissing (french kissing, neck kissing, etc.)?
  1. Yes, I feel like I’ve tried most of them at this point!
  2. Yes, I’ve tried several different types.
  3. Yea, but only a couple so far.
  4. No, I haven’t really experimented with different types of kissing.
9. What do you usually do with your hands when you’re kissing someone?
  1. I run my fingers through the person’s hair and romantically hold their face.
  2. I use them to gently pull the person in closer and hold them.
  3. I hold the other person’s hands in mine.
  4. I don’t usually do anything with my hands, honestly.
10. How do people usually act when you’re kissing them?
  1. Super into it and like they can’t get enough.
  2. Like they’re having a good time, at least from what I can tell.
  3. They seem to like it, but we usually don’t kiss for very long.
  4. They act kind of awkward and we quickly move on to something else.
11. How would you describe your lips?
  1. Smooth, soft, and hydrated.
  2. Moisturized and well-maintained (most of the time, at least!).
  3. Pretty average—I don’t really do much to my lips.
  4. Chapped most of the time.
12. How is your oral hygiene?
  1. Excellent. I floss and brush twice a day.
  2. Good. I brush twice a day.
  3. Pretty good. I brush at least once a day.
  4. It could be better. I sometimes forget to brush.

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[Edit]How to Be an Amazing Kisser

If you’re not the world’s most confident kisser, don’t worry—kissing is something that anyone can get better at. And while practicing definitely helps, there are also some general tips and tricks that can take your kissing game to the next level. Follow the advice below, and soon you’ll be a great kisser!

  • Start slow. Heated, passionate kissing can be super fun, but you don’t want to go too fast. Nothing kills the mood like fast, erratic kissing that seems to come out of nowhere. If your kissing sessions tend to feel rushed and awkward, try slowing things down a bit and taking your time. You and your partner can always speed things up later if the mood is right!
  • Close your eyes. Closing your eyes allows you to get lost in the moment and really focus on your partner’s lips. Plus, having your eyes open can make the kiss feel a bit awkward, which you definitely don’t want!
  • Gently tilt your head to one side. This prevents you and the other person from bumping noses and struggling to reach each other's lips. If your partner tilts their head in one direction, tilt yours in the other so you're in sync and it's easier to kiss.
  • Use your arms and hands. Kissing isn’t just about locking lips! Don’t be afraid to wrap your arms around the person you’re kissing, hold their face in your hands, or run your fingers through their hair. Using your hands like this makes a kiss feel more passionate and enjoyable.
  • Try different types of kissing. Doing the same thing over and over can get a little boring and make for a less exciting kiss. If you and the person you're kissing are ready to try new things, don't be afraid to try open-mouth kissing, french kissing, neck kissing, and so on. By keeping things varied, your kissing session will feel more spontaneous and exciting.
  • Practice good oral hygiene. Having fresh breath can really make or break a kiss! Remember to floss and brush twice a day so your mouth is clean and fresh. If you know you're going to be kissing someone, mouthwash or breath mints can also be a lifesaver.

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