How to Compliment a Guy on His Personality

Doesn’t it feel good to have someone tell you that you’re funny, sweet, charming, or kind? The truth is, everyone loves getting complimented on their personality! It makes people feel good and validated, and it doesn’t take much effort. To make it even simpler for you, we’ve put together a list of compliments for a variety of situations so you can compliment almost any guy on his personality.


[Edit]"You’re so thoughtful."

  1. Give him credit for the sweet and helpful things he does. Pay attention to when he’s being especially considerate and let him know that you notice it. Tell him how sweet and thoughtful something that he did for you (or someone else) was and he’ll really appreciate it.[1]
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    • If you’re in a relationship with a guy, praising him when he’s sweet may motivate him to keep doing thoughtful things. It’s a win-win!
    • You could also get more specific with it. For instance, you could say something like, “That was really thoughtful of you to make me a cup of tea when I was feeling a bit under the weather.”

[Edit]"You’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever met."

  1. Let him know you think he’s kind and caring. Make him feel special and praise his naturally caring nature whenever you can. Show him that you love it when he’s kind and that you think it’s a really positive trait of his personality.[2]
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    • You could also try something like, “That was such a sweet thing to do for that person. You’re amazing” or “I love how caring you are.”

[Edit]"You’re such a great listener."

  1. Bring attention to his patient and understanding nature. If you ever find yourself venting or expressing your thoughts and feelings to a guy, take note of how well he listens and responds to you. Highlight how thankful you are for him taking the time to really pay attention to what’s going on with you and offer feedback and support.[3]
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    • Another way to say it could be, “Thank you for listening to me when I just need to vent. You’re so great at it.”
    • You could also try, “I feel like I can talk to you about anything.”

[Edit]"How do you always know exactly what to say?"

  1. Let him know his words are insightful and supportive. Whenever a guy in your life gives you some really helpful advice, thank them for it! Tell them that you really appreciate their support. Let them know that their insight is one of their greatest strengths. They’ll love hearing it.[4]
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    • Another way to put it is something like, “You always give the best advice. Thank you so much.”
    • You could even try, “You make me feel so much better every time I talk to you.”

[Edit]"You’re so funny!"

  1. Show him that you love his sense of humor. What guy doesn’t love hearing that they’re funny (maybe even when they’re not)? If he cracks a joke or says something really sharp and witty, let him know if you thought it was funny. He’ll love the feeling of validation.[5]
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    • If he pulls off a solid joke, you could try, “Nice. Really good. You’re really funny, that was great.”
    • You could also try something straightforward like, “You’ve got such a great sense of humor.”

[Edit]"Wow, you’re really cool-headed."

  1. Boost his self-esteem and compliment his character. The next time you see him handle himself well in a stressful or frustrating situation, give him some props. Let him know you noticed it and you appreciate it.[6]
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    • For instance, if there’s a heated meeting at work, and he manages to stay calm and composed without losing his cool, you could say something like, “You really handled that well. Great job.”
    • If he’s been dealing with a lot of stress lately, give him some praise like, “You’ve got a lot going on, but you always manage to stay calm and I really admire that.”

[Edit]"I wouldn’t change a single thing about you."

  1. Praise everything about him at once. You could use this one if a guy asks you what you think about him or if you just find yourself noticing how much you appreciate who he is as a person. Compliment his entire personality and make him feel good about himself.[7]
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    • You could also try, “I’m trying to pick out a single thing that I like most about you, but really, I like everything!”
    • Another way to say it is, “Kind, patient, caring, funny, I mean, you’ve got it all!”

[Edit]"You’re so good at getting along with people."

  1. Highlight the fact that other people love his personality too. Pay attention to how well a guy interacts with other people. Point it out whenever you notice that he’s really great at talking to others and making them feel comfortable and relaxed. He’ll appreciate the praise![8]
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    • It can take a lot to be good at getting along with other people. A guy may need to be funny, smart, silly, and patient all in the same conversation. Show him that you admire it.
    • You can also say something like, “Everybody loves you. It must be your amazing personality.”
    • Another way to praise his ability to get along with others is to say, “You’re such a social butterfly. You make friends wherever you go!”

[Edit]"I’m so thankful for everything you do for me."

  1. Acknowledge and appreciate his efforts. If a guy in your life has a naturally helpful and caring personality, let him know that you see it and that you’re thankful for it. Point out specific things that he does and praise his personality in general to make him feel good about it.[9]
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    • Get specific and try something like, “I saw you filled up the car with gasoline. That’s so kind. You’re the best.”
    • You can also try something like, “You’re always there for me and I can’t thank you enough.”

[Edit]"You’re so smart!"

  1. Tell him you like the way he thinks. Praise his intelligent and inquisitive nature. Point out how much you admire it and how cool you think it is that you have a smart guy in your life. He’ll absolutely love it.[10]
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    • You can also say something like, “How do you know so much about everything? I love how curious you are.”
    • You could try a playful teasing compliment like, “You’re like a walking encyclopedia!”

[Edit]"You’ve got such a heart of gold."

  1. Show him you love and appreciate his kind nature. Some guys are naturally open and sweet, and some guys act tough on the outside but are really gentle and caring nature on the inside. Whatever the case, let him know that you cherish and admire the kindness within him. He’ll feel validated that you can see it.[11]
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    • Another way to say it is, “I think it’s just so great how kind and considerate of others you are.”
    • If he likes to act like a tough guy, try something like, “You know I see right through you, right? You can try to hide it but I know you’re a big softie.”

[Edit]"You make me feel safe."

  1. Make him feel good about his protective nature. Guys are oftentimes really caring and protective about the people in their lives. Let him know that you see and appreciate it. He’ll love that you notice and like it.[12]
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    • You can also try something like, “Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. I really appreciate it.”
    • Another option is, “I feel like I can trust you with anything and you’ll take care of me.”


  • Try to keep an eye out for specific things that highlight aspects of a guy’s personality so you can compliment him. For instance, if he picks up litter he sees on the ground, you can praise his caring nature.



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